Free, Fast & Private

Test your health in private with a free HIV self-test kit. Results take 15 minutes.

All you need is a mobile number or email address.

How to get a free HIV self-test kit


1. Register

Register using your mobile number or email address and answer a few simple questions to receive your vending machine link.

2. Find a location

Click on your vending machine link (sent to your mobile number or email address). Go to a MyTest vending machine of your choice to get your free test kits.

3. Test

Test in a private and safe space.
Your personal details are kept private and won't be shared with anyone. You can get up to four free HIV self-tests per month. We'll also send you a short optional survey to complete afterwards about your experience using MyTest. This information is anonymous will help us to improve our service.

MyTest vending machine locations

You can find a MyTest vending machine here:

  • 01
    17 Bridge Street, Rydalmere 2116
    Machine location: Bar lounge (entry fee to Aarows does apply)
    Machine hours: Available 24 hours
  • 02
    Level 1/38-42 Oxford St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010
    Machine location: Bar lounge (entry fee to Sydney Sauna does apply)
    Machine hours: 10am – late Monday – Thursday and
    24 hours Friday - Sunday
  • 03
    Corner Railway Parade and McBurney Road, Cabramatta 2166
    Machine location: Entrance area of Core Community Services building
    Machine hours: 9am – 12.30pm and 1.30pm – 5pm Monday to Friday
  • 04
    85-91 Oxford St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010
    Machine location: Opposite wall to the cloak room
    Machine hours: 10am - late
  • 05
    Corner Auckland Street and Hunter Street, Newcastle 2300
    Machine location: Lower Ground Level.
    Machine located near the right rear exit, beside room XG24
    Machine hours: Public access: Monday – Friday 7am – 6pm
    Machine hours: Student access: Monday – Friday 6am – 1am
    and Saturday – Sunday 8am – 10pm
  • 06
    Building 5, 1/7 Marcel Crescent Blacktown Hospital,
    Blacktown NSW 2148
    Machine location: In the under cover area next to
    Blacktown Methadone Clinic
    Machine hours: Available 24 hours
  • 07
    10 Taylor Street, Darlinghurst, NSW 2010
    Machine location: Next to the exit door in the lounge area
    (entry fee to Sauna X does apply)
    Machine hours: Weekdays 12pm – 6am,weekends 24 hours
  • 08
    466 Peel St, Tamworth NSW 2340
    Machine location: In the Health section of the library
    Machine hours: Mon-Fri 9.30am-5pm (Tuesday to 6pm),
    Saturday 10am-4pm
  • 09
    Morven Brown Building, Ground floor level,
    student lounge, Building K-C20, Gate 8 High Street, UNSW 2052
    Machine location: Located outside the accessible bathroom in
    the student study space
    Machine hours: Study space is accessible 24 hours to the
    student and general UNSW community
  • 10
    University of Technology Sydney Building 1,
    1/15 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007
    Machine location: Level 3A, Building One, UTS City Campus.
    Machine found outside of the UTS Students Association office,
    entry via Broadway stairs or from Alumni Green entrance.
    Machine hours: Monday-Friday 6am - 10pm.
    After hour access for staff/students only.

Before you do a HIV self-test

Watch the video before using the HIV self-test kit. It helps to know what the steps are before you take the test.
The video is available with subtitles in multiple languages:
Or, read the instructions in a language of your choice:
NSW Health would like to thank and acknowledge SAMESH for their generosity in providing instructions and videos in multiple languages.
Or, read the instructions in a language of your choice:
If you think you might want professional support available when testing at home, the best time to test is Monday - Friday so you can talk to a nurse at the Sexual Health Infolink if you have any questions. You can call the Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624 Monday – Friday between 9am – 5.30pm. If you test at other times, you can call healthdirect on 1800 022 222 for information and advice.

How to read your results

Your free self-test kit includes instructions on how to use the test and read the result. After you do the test, wait 15 minutes (but not more than 20 minutes) before looking at your results. Your HIV self-test will show one of three results.
Your free self-test kit includes instructions on how to use the test and read the result.


A HIV positive result looks like this:
What do I do next?


A HIV negative result looks like this:
What do I do next?

Doesn't work

A failed HIV test (the test did not work) looks like this:
What do I do next?

About MyTest

The MyTest project promotes HIV testing and helps provide access to free HIV self-test kits via vending machines.

MyTest is a NSW Health funded project. MyTest is particularly focused on supporting people who have never been tested for HIV or those who infrequently test for HIV, as well as those who face barriers to regular sexual health testing due to health insurance or Medicare ineligibility.

To get a MyTest kit from a vending machine, all you need to do is provide an email address or mobile number to register online and select a vending machine location near you.

MyTest supports the NSW HIV Strategy 2021-2025.

For more information on the MyTest project, contact:

The MyTest project promotes HIV testing and helps provide access to free HIV self-test kits.

MyTest is a NSW Health funded project aimed at increasing HIV testing accessibility in South West and Western Sydney.

MyTest supports the NSW HIV Strategy 2021-2025.

For more information on the MyTest project, contact:


Information about MyTest, HIV, prevention, testing and treatment.

HIV is a manageable condition and can be prevented. For people living with HIV, HIV treatment is free for all people in NSW (no Medicare card required). Learn more about MyTest and HIV today.

What is HIV?

How do I prevent HIV?

It’s important to put your health first. To prevent HIV, you can:

  • use condoms during sex. Condoms stop HIV from being passed on. Make sure you change condoms with each new partner and when sharing sex toys.
  • take the medication PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) if you are at risk of getting HIV. PrEP prevents HIV.
  • take PEP (post exposure prophylaxis) for one month if you think you have been exposed to HIV. PEP will reduce your risk of getting HIV. It is important to start PEP as soon as possible after you have had unprotected sex and no later than 72 hours (3 days) after you may have been exposed to HIV.
  • do not share needles, syringes or other injecting equipment.
  • test regularly for STIs and HIV.

For people who do have HIV, if they take their HIV treatment correctly, the amount of virus in their blood is very low (undetectable) and cannot be passed on to sexual partners.

How accurate is the test?

The Atomo HIV self-test kit has been shown in laboratory testing to correctly identify 99.6% of HIV negative and HIV positive samples.

Like other HIV tests, the Atomo HIV self-test kit may not detect HIV that is recently acquired. For the Atomo HIV self-test kit, the window period is three months. This means that the test may not detect HIV that has been acquired in the last three months.

If you think you may have been exposed to HIV, call the NSW Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624 Monday - Friday to find where you can get a free and private test. For information and support at other times, you can call healthdirect.

If you would like an interpreter to speak in your language, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. It's free and confidential.

What happens if I get a positive result?

While the HIV self-test is extremely accurate, if your result is a positive result, you will need to follow up and get a blood test with a doctor to confirm your result. If you have tested positive for HIV, it is normal if you feel shocked, confused or upset.

If your result is confirmed positive by your doctor, they will talk to you about the next steps, including treatment, talking to your loved ones and other important things you need to know.

If you have tested positive for HIV, it is important you:

  • don't ignore the result.
  • start treatment for HIV as soon as possible.
  • connect with a doctor you trust.
  • practise safe sex.

To find out where you can get a free and private follow up test, call the NSW Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624 Monday - Friday. If you would like an interpreter to speak in your language, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. It's free and confidential.

Positive Life NSW supports people who are diagnosed with an STI (including HIV), to notify or tell partners. Get the support you need from someone else (a peer) who has been through the process of notifying partners (sexual or injecting) themselves. Call 1800 245 677 or email for support.

You can also get support from a range of services like ACON, Positive Life NSW, Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service , NSW Sexual Health Infolink, Pozhet and healthdirect.

Is HIV treatment free?

Yes. HIV treatment is free for all people in NSW (no Medicare card required).

Is the packaging discreet?

Yes. The MyTest packaging is discreet. The packaging has a QR code on it that links to the MyTest project website. No information about HIV is on the outside of the packaging.

The MyTest kit contains a HIV self-test kit, two condoms, two sachets of lubricant and an information card.

Support & Services

It's important to remember there is lots of support for people wanting to test for HIV. If you have questions about HIV or need to talk to someone about your result, you can the Sexual Health Infolink and a range of other services.

NSW Sexual Health Infolink

For more information on HIV testing and treatment, talk to a doctor or call the NSW Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624 Monday - Friday between 9am – 5.30pm. You can call healthdirect on 1800 022 222 outside of these hours.

Positive Life NSW

Offers a range of support options for people living with HIV. Speak to a Treatments Officer or a Peer Support Officer (another person living with HIV) who can offer support, understand the HIV medications, disclosure, living healthy and staying well with HIV. Call 1800 245 677 for confidential support.


Offers a range of information and support services for people of diverse sexualities and genders. Speak to a counsellor through ACON's new diagnosis priority service. Call ACON's counselling service on 1800 063 060.

Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service

MHAHS provides in-language support to people who speak a language other than English and who are living with HIV. For more information, call 9515 1234 or email


An information and support service for heterosexual people living with HIV and their partners. Visit the Pozhet website for information and support.


healthdirect is a 24 hour health advice and information phone line. Get advice and information you can trust. Call 1800 022 222.


Lifeline is a national service that provides 24 hour support for anyone experiencing a personal crisis or distress. You can talk to someone at any time by calling 13 11 14.

If you would like an interpreter to speak in your language, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. It's free and confidential.