Privacy Notice

NSW health is collecting your personal and health information from you to provide you access to HIV self-test kits.

Your personal and health information will be held securely and handled in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002. The storage, use and disclosure of your personal information will be subject to NSW Health privacy policies. For more information, please visit Patient Privacy.

What type of information will be collected and usage

Your contact details (mobile number and/or email address). This is the minimum information we need to provide you access to HIV self-testing kits. Your mobile number or email address are used to generate a unique code which you will use to access your testing kit. After you register, you will receive an email with a follow up survey to complete.

We also request your country of birth, post code and information pertaining to your HIV testing history. This information will be used to assist us in monitoring the project, it's reach and for future evaluation. This information is optional for you to provide.

Your information will only be held for as long as it is required for the purpose for which it was collected. Your information will be securely and safely disposed of once it is no longer required.

Who has access to your information?

Access to your information will be limited to the NSW Health staff who administer the HIV self-test kit program. Staff will only be able to access your answers to the optional questions which means you will remain anonymous throughout the process. Your phone number and email address will remain strictly confidential.

If you would like to request access to, or amendment of, your personal or health information held by NSW Health, email